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Our students have started rewarding careers. You can too!
Connecting you with career pathways
At Tester Academy we understand that finding the right career isn't just about the job—it's about finding a company that aligns with our values and beliefs
We prioritise collaborations with companies that share our commitment to enthuse confidence in our students, be assertive and authoritative but be humble at the same time
Job success rate*
How it works
Through our extensive network of industry collaborators, we do the heavy lifting of searching a perfect role for you so that you can seamlessly transition from academia to the professional world
Step 1 : Screening
Screening for collaborators and companies looking for quality QA
Step 2 : Filtering
Filtering out companies that don’t fit the bill
Step 3 : Onboarding
Onboarding new collaborators and helping them get the know of the talent pool
Step 4 : Prepping & Scheduling
Prepping our candidates and scheduling interviews
Are you a company looking for a collaboration for your QA roles
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What are the prerequisites for the Automation testing course?
Do You provide Live Project Training for Software Testing?
Does Tester Academy provide job placement assistance?
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